Lest you should think I’m greedy…at the end of my week of events, I was one of the only people left at FitBloggin’ who was driving rather than flying. There was a whole table of sponsor-provided swag left, which the staff encouraged me to take since they had to get rid of it anyway, and everyone else attending had already taken all they wanted and could carry in their bags. All of the items were food and useful things that my family and I will use, so I loaded up our car – using a pallet provided by the hotel – and christened it “The Swag Chariot”. When Super Coupon Girl attends a conference, nothing shall go to waste. 😉
I don’t blame you. Not one little bit. Especially on those bags full of Sees Candies…..
I am jealous! I guess driving paid off
VERY cool! See’s Candies is one of my favorite places!! 😀
Oh, good grief! I don’t blame you a bit! I did something similar at Blissdom this year. LOL!!
You did a good thing saving those items from trash and being a waste. Good for you!
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I see lots of yummies in that swag! I would have done the same!
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