Last year, I got a fun nostalgia flashback when I reviewed the 2012 Ripley’s Believe It Or Not annual. The book is back for its 2013 installment, Dare To Look!, so naturally I had to check it out. I grew up reading these books and they still suck me in with their endless lists of fun facts and tidbits. I have to say that these contemporary versions are a lot more squeamish to me than the old school installments, since we now see full-color photographs of things like cysts and a man with hooks through his eyes, but I just quickly skim over those pages. 😉
Now that I have a newer iPhone, I was also able to download the Ripley’s App, which allows you to scan pages in the book to access bonus content, like this video of a snowboarding possum. The app also has a daily comic, which is drawn in the same retro illustration style that Ripley’s used in their annuals that I grew up with – I love that!
As always, these books are a fun, light read. PDXers will also be proud to know that the basketball-playing sea otter at the Oregon Zoo got a mention in this year’s annual! 😉
Right now, you can pick up a copy of Dare To Look! for only $14.99 plus free shipping by clicking this link! This is a special discounted price for blog readers, so make sure you use this link to order and snag the deal!
I have always loved the Ripley’s believe it or not books. They’re fun and informative. I could also tempt my son to read with one of these books.
That’s super cool about the app and bonus content!
Ripley’s app? AWESOME! That is so cool. I love Ripleys!
a snowboarding possum! no way! i love animal videos. way too much
Just like you said, they’re a light fun read and who doesn’t need that at the end of a day?
Oh I didn’t know those books were still out and I REALLY didn’t know there was an app! Now I have to check that out. I do remember seeing a place to visit in Wisconsin Dells, ,but we never made it.
I’m smiling after watching the possum video. How fun! Ripley’s has always peaked my interest. Thanks for sharing!
How fun, perfect time of year to crack open a book like that! I need to check that out!
This sounds fun! When I was a kid we went to the Ripleys Believe It or Not museum a few times and I loved it.
My son would love this!
I love these Books. We get them every year.
ohhh we love the Ribley’s books…we actually visited the Ribley’s in orlando over the summer….sooooo much fun
I love Ripleys Believe It or Not and this app would be fun to have !
I love Ripley’s Believe It or Not…what a cool app!!! I want it!
My boys LOVE LOVE these books. We just got a new one…Some special edition with the puzzle tattoo guy on it. They read it for hours, over and over again. LOL Have to find this one for them next.
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