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As a #GirlBoss who is now 22 years (!!) into my career, I often get asked for job advice by other women. I really enjoy encouraging other female entrepreneurs, and while I could talk for hours on this topic, today I’m distilling it down to four simple things I’ve observed over the years.
#1: Beware Burnout
Burnout is a pitfall that I think most business owners face at one point or another. We’re all stressed and overextended, but it’s worth remembering that women have unique considerations in burnout, including the persisting social expectations for women to do the bulk of household management even when working the same number of hours as their male partners. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I’d recommend putting some burnout strategies into place before the wheels fall off: Perhaps start by reading a book such as High-Octane Women: How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout, so you can more quickly recognize and address the signs of burnout.
#2: Don’t Undersell Yourself
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard my female colleagues undersell themselves. When asked about their job, I’ve listened to so many female bloggers reply something to the effect of “Oh, I’m just a mom, and I have this little blog thing…” These aren’t ladies who have a side hobby; these are women who earn a full-time income from their blog, have signed contracts with some of the biggest brands on the planet, and are being routinely invited to red carpet Hollywood premieres. How many men with that kind of resume would refer to themselves as “Just a dad“? Don’t be afraid to take your accomplishments seriously – it will make others take them more seriously, too.
#3: Stand Your Ground
We all know that successful people often fail many times on their way to their goals – but women are also at risk of experiencing the special sting of being overlooked due to gender. Not all men, of course, but if you are a woman who exists on this planet, I can guarantee you will encounter a sexist person at least once in your life. As a female entrepreneur, you may experience condescending treatment, sexual harassment or even lose an opportunity you are qualified for strictly due to your gender. Get mad, and then get even: Because the best revenge of all is success.
#4: Take Inspiration From Your Community
Networking is crucial for building your business, and it also gives you the opportunity to connect with other female entrepreneurs. Any time I attend a blogging event, I relish the chance to chat, brainstorm and commiserate with other women in my field, which has resulted in amazing friendships in my personal life as well as moral support on the job. And beyond your immediate community, it can also be useful to look to female role models who have found success on large platforms. Whether you’re flipping through a copy of Sheryl Sandberg’s famous book, or reading the blog of Origami Owl CEO Chrissy Weems, it can be helpful to draw inspiration from highly successful women.

What tips would you share with another #GirlBoss?