Total Gym XLS: Week 21 Recap

Total Gym in Our Living Room

We received a complimentary Total Gym XLS for the purposes of this series; this post also contains affiliate links. This article is an account of our personal experience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Always consult with physician before embarking on any fitness program.

Here’s our measurements for week 21:

Measurements - Week 21

This last week was a brutal one for me – I’m still sick, and I’ve been having the worst insomnia for over a month. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I went to the doctor last week. Things are slowly starting to improve and I hope I’ll be able to kick this cold soon. Everyone around here is getting hammered with the cold and flu, so I think it’s just an especially bad year for it. I haven’t been exercising at all, because I have chest congestion and coughing fits don’t lend themselves well to working up a sweat.

Jai, however, is flu-free and has been getting some great workouts! He’s been using the 6-8 Minute Workout DVD, and has been commenting on what a good workout it is. It’s pretty amazing how a targeted routine can work your muscles so well in a short period of time! It’s been especially easy to follow the DVD since we moved our Total Gym XLS into the living room temporarily, so it’s been right next to the TV – we’ve been doing some construction projects in a room adjacent to our “Exercise room”, so we just emptied it out temporarily while we completed those minor renovations.

We had originally planned to wrap up our Total Gym series at the end of January, but we’ve been loving the feedback and encouragement we’ve been getting and enjoying the chance to share our journey, so we’ve decided to extend the series – we’re going to continue sharing a monthly Total Gym XLS video and our measurement results right here on Beeb-Log through the end of summer 2014, so we can continue to update you on our progress, favorite exercises, and more!

If you have a question or exercise you’d like to request us to demo, leave it in the comments below and we’ll include it in our next video update in February!

197 thoughts on “Total Gym XLS: Week 21 Recap

  1. WAY TO GO! I know being sick is the pits and definitely makes it hard to get up and move when you’re sick!

    On January 1st I started a challenge with myself to see how long it takes me to walk 1 million steps! I’m about 15% of the way there…I’ve been blogging about my progress on my blog too! Blogging is a great way to gain inspiration, receive encouragement and feedback! I’m loving my journey!

  2. I haven’t visited for a while and am glad to see that you are sticking to your program. Keep going, I do enjoy reading and seeing your progress. Keep up the good work.

  3. So sorry you’ve been sick but it sounds like you’ve at least used the time to optimize the setup of your total gym to make it work best for both of you. Hoping you feel better ASAP!

  4. El médico le realizará diversas preguntas con el objetivo de descubrir posibles factores de riesgo que podrían causar la Disfunción Eréctil o contribuir a su desarrollo. Es importante aclarar que, los hombres que toman alguna medicación para el tratamiento de la angina de pecho, no deben tomar estos fármacos. En el mercado existen un sin número de fármacos que ayudan a conservar una erección por más tiempo, pero no suponen una solución definitiva, sino que más bien son una solución anatómica temporal. En este blog quiero enseñarte como mejorar tus erecciones sin tener que depender de ningún fármaco. Con los mismos efectos secundarios de los anteriores. Forzar al cuerpo con químicos para que la sangre fluya correctamente a lo largo del miembro, no es bueno ni sano.

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