My 21st birthday was a very memorable and fun day; I’m still touched by how much trouble my friends and family went to in making it an extra special memory. Fun fact: This year marks the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday. Where oh where does the time go?!
At any rate, I try to keep the tradition going and think of special ways to commemorate the milestones of my loved ones. A special someone that I know is turning 21 this year, and I’ve been thinking about what to get her. I recently had a browse through a site called Jewellery World, which carries all kinds of rings, bracelets, necklaces and more. I thought this would be a great place to look for something special, and I think I found a piece that fits the bill:

This “21” Wishbone Pendant is made of 9 ct yellow gold and retails for $61.98. It’s dainty, has a fun design, and I love that it is emblazoned with the number 21, making it a keepsake of this milestone birthday.

The Wishbone Pendant comes in its own small gift box, ready to go – no wrapping required! I think this will be just the ticket for a fun birthday gift.
Visit JewelleryWorld.com for more fun pieces!
Do you have any fun memories of your 21st birthday?
That is beautiful!
That’s beautiful! I remember my 21st birthday well. I turned 21 the summer I spent in Ireland. Fun times!
Muchas personas con baja autoestima se enredan tanto en su propia percepción de sí mismos, que comienzan a proyectarla sobre los demás. Esto significa que cuanto más ansioso es un hombre por ser capaz de rendir, menos capaz es de hacerlo, y más ansioso se vuelve, y así sucesivamente, causando una espiral de deterioro.
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