“Selfies” have become a ubiquitous part of cell phone culture, even earning a spot in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 2014 edition. And now selfies even have their own cell phone case: Selfy, the case for iPhone 5 that has a removable wireless shutter button built-in.

Unfortunately, the Selfy iPhone case is only made for the 5 and not compatible with my iPhone 4S, but the wireless shutter still works. It was surprisingly fast to set up – Selfy pairs quickly with your device via Bluetooth, and when you click the button, it immediately snaps a photo.

I could see this being fun for taking better photos with friends without messing around with a self-timer, or filming quick v-logs on the road. Although the case itself doesn’t work for me, I’m still going to keep it so I can use the shutter button, as I can see it coming in handy.
Selfy is currently running a contest for your chance to win a case by sharing your own selfies with hastag #iLuvSelfy – so get your duck face ready and click here for all the contest details!