Photo credit: Sean Kramer.
I love making playful recipes like Spider Deviled Eggs (Or even Turkey Deviled Eggs!). So I love this idea for tomatoes and cream cheese designed to look like fresh Spring Tulips! This recipe was created by The Hotel Saugatuck in Saugatuck, Michigan and will be served all through the month of May to correspond with a local Tulip festival. If you can’t make it to Saugatuck this month, you can still recreate this recipe at home:
Tomato Cream Cheese Tulips
Recipe by The Hotel Saugatuck
1 pint grape tomatoes
1 package (8oz) cream cheese
2 bunches green onion
1 large garlic clove
10 chives
Juice of 1/2 lemon
pinch kosher salt
1. Cut off the roots and ends of the green onion
2. Let cream cheese sit out for 1/2 hour to get to room temperature. Then chop chives and garlic together using an electric mixer. Next whip the cream cheese, chives, garlic, and salt until blended evenly. Add lemon juice and blend into mixture.
3. Using a skewer, poke a hole in the stem side of each tomato. Keeping the stem side down, make a cross (2 slices) 1/2 way down the tomato using a small spoon (or the tip of an old fruit peeler) scoop out the seeds from the inside of tomato.
4. Take a pastry bag and tip, fill the cut side of the tomato with cream cheese, and
insert the green onion into the hole at the stem end of the tomato.
La disfunción eréctil o impotencia es un problema muy frustrante y traumático en todas las culturas, una de las secuelas más importantes de la disfunción eréctil es la depresión secundaria posterior. Mi intención es contar como he ido evolucionando en mi recuperación de la disfunción eréctil y como lo voy superando para que valga a otros como yo, que somos muchos, que hay mas esperanza que estar toda la vida tomando pastillas.