Over the last few days, I’ve been to Seattle, Orcas Island, and Issaquah; and I’m only home for one more day before Jai and I head out on the road once more for a blogger event I am hosting in Portland on Friday. It’s been a full month of work, travel, family celebrations, and more things than I can really keep track of. That picture above? Those are my to-do lists. The planner on the right-hand side shows what was on my agenda for just 3 days. Jai looked at my list and said, “Geeze, I should take a picture of this because it’s so crazy!” When I was looking through my hundreds of trip photos to decide which one to use for this post, I thought this one was the most appropriate. I added the blur filter because I figured the whole world didn’t need to read every single detail of my daily schedule, and I also think it adds the appropriate feel to represent summer 2013.
I have so many fun, crazy stories to share soon from all of my August adventures – and I’d love to hear yours! What have you been up to this month?
Para conseguirlo hay varias opciones, una de ellas es acudir a terapia de pareja.