On Saturday, Jai and I drove down to Milwaukie for his family’s annual reunion. Every year, I look forward to hanging out with everybody and seeing relatives who live out of state. After we got home, I realized that this is the 10th reunion since Jai and I started dating – wow! I found this photo from the first of his family reunions that I ever attended back in 2003. Time flies when you’re having fun!
I love seeing those flashback photos of yours! 馃檪 Glad you had a good time this weekend too!
Great flashback photo! 10 years is a long time. It has been 12 years since I first met my husband and I feel so lucky. 馃檪
love these photo flashbacks!! fun times 馃檪
What a fun photo of you!
Don’t you wonder what you were both finding so amusing back then too? So fun!
Wow congrats on over 10 years of together-ness! That is so cool! you guys look so awesome 馃槈
Ohh I love seing and hearing about flashbacks… soo cool…. thanks for sharing
great photo and congrats on being together that long!
Thanks for stopping by, everyone!
That is awesome that you two have been together for so long. Great flashback photo!
El tratamiento con autoinyecciones en el cuerpo cavernoso se utiliza cuando los inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa son ineficaces. Sin embargo, hay formas de acabar con este trastorno y mejorar la calidad de las relaciones sexuales. Los expertos piensan que factores psicol贸gicos, tales como el estr茅s, la ansiedad, la culpa, la depresi贸n, una baja autoestima y el miedo a no desempe帽arse en el coito como se espera causan del 10 al 20 % de los casos de DE. Es decir que no se logra una erecci贸n, se logra obtenerla pero no tiene la dureza suficiente para el coito; o en la tercera opci贸n, se logra una erecci贸n pero no dura lo suficiente para tener sexo.
Es decir cuando ocurre solamente con determinados tipos de estimulaci贸n, situaciones o parejas.