I’ve been packing a lot of brown bag lunches recently, so I always welcome quick options that I can toss into the lunch pail. Our friends at SoyJoy sent me a package last week that was ideal for this purpose: Not only did it contain their snack bars, but a collapsible lunchbox with a combo spoon/fork built into the lid. Brilliant!

Meal bars are a really nice option for packing lunch in a hurry. I usually round out these type of lunches with sides like a hardboiled egg, chopped veggies, berries, or a small salad packed in a Ziploc bag. If you prepare a batch of salad and boil a dozen eggs at once, it makes it a lot easier to throw these kind of lunches together in a hurry!
SoyJoy are big proponents of easy meal options, as evidenced by their panel at FitBloggin’, Tricks for Snacking on the Go, which was hosted by Tenley Molzahn. They sent over 3 varieties of their bars for me to pack into my nifty new lunch box:
I’m a chocoholic, so naturally the Dark Chocolate Cherry was my favorite! It’s a little on the dry side, but they gave me a great tip at FitBloggin’ about tossing these into the microwave for 10 seconds to heat them up, which I think would make them a little more moist. I didn’t try it this time around, because, well, I was on the go! 😉
I also enjoy the banana flavor quite a bit. I did try to save at least one for Jai, so I gave him the Cranberry and asked him later what he thought. He said he enjoyed it – he thought it was one of the better SoyJoy flavors, but didn’t necessarily stand out as the best one ever to him, although he thought it was good.
What do you pack in brown bag lunches?
These look great. I have to try them out. Since, I am always on the go, I always tend to forget pick up something for lunch and this will really come in handy. I love chocolate as well. Thanks for sharing
Somedays I’m so busy that I almost forget about lunch altogether, so these would be super handy to have on hand.
Wow I would love to try the dark chocolate cherry!
These look good!
I love soyjoy bars, they are delish! I usually pack a sandwich, chips, a piece of fruit, and a bottle of water.
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