I’m very much a pen-and-paper kind of girl when it comes to organizing. Although I utilize many high-tech systems for getting things done, when it comes to planning my schedule and keeping track of work projects, notepads and a pen are just what feels right and makes sense to me. I have a big stack of notebooks on my desk that just seems to get bigger ever year!
If you’re like me, then you might like the new M by Staples Arc line. This is a series of customizable notebooks and accessories, which can help you create the perfect organizational system for your needs. I received the following products:
- M by Staples Arc Customizable Durable Poly Notebook System
- Poly Tab Dividers
- Page Flags/Sticky Notes
I actually decided to gift this to a friend who is a teacher. She uses these type of dividers and page flags in her work, and was happy to get these. We all know how teachers are always needing a slew of paper supplies!
Check out more from M by Staples Customizable Notebook System in stores or by visiting Staples.com!
I am totally a pen and paper kind of girl too. I always have to have a pretty notebook.
Es muy frecuente que este mal aparezca por derivación de problemas psicológicos, como los mencionados de vivir en una sociedad exigente como la nuestra, en la que la virilidad se encuentra socialmente relacionada con el éxito profesional y social, y en la que se exige más de lo que se debe en el plano sexual, condicionado por lo que creemos que es lo correcto, etc.
Se da desde la adolescencia y empeora en el adulto. Sin embargo, recuerde que una vida sexual saludable es parte de una vida saludable.