I was out on the back deck taking some product photos for the blogs yesterday when this moth landed nearby. Since he was hanging out for the shoot, I figured I’d make use of the zoom on my camera and get a snapshot of him, too. You know it’s summer here when you see moths everywhere – they fly into the house if you have the door open for .02 seconds, and then proceed to panic and buzz around frantically. These “Visitors” inside the home are one of my least favorite things about summer, although I like them fine outside.
Last year, I was drinking one of my Nurisystem shakes from a Blender bottle, and looked down halfway through to see a dead moth floating in it. To this day, I am COMPLETELY STUMPED as to how that can happen. The bottle was in my hand the entire time that I got it out of the cupboard, added ice and the shake mixture; and I always look into my cups and glasses before I fill them. How in the world a moth could fly into a bottle with a snap-top lid while I’m holding it still stumps me, but suffice to say, I’ll never look at a protein shake quite the same way – although the moth did get the worst end of it…
I know they are harmless, but they gross me out!
Ick moths gross me out!
My 7 y/o son been catching a lot of these and putting them in his bug container, thinking they’re butterflies. ~lol~
That’s really cool up close.
Ewwwww I’ve always had a slight fear of bugs ending up in my drinks and me drinking it, blech.
The creepy crawlies definitely do like to butt in where they are least wanted.
Moths are just crazy looking! And they are always in the way, lol.
Ack! I thought it was a nickname for a person, didn’t expect to see THAT thing! Lol!
I’m not a huge fan of moths! A few days ago, I woke up and found one in my hair, it kinda freaked me out a bit.
Look at the details you were able to catch! Even that dust that lives on them!
That pic makes my skin crawl. Eek! My 4yo was just talking to me about how she likes moths.
Lord, I would have been sick to find a bug in my drink.
I would have totally gagged.
Okay SUPER gross about it being in the shake! lol You poor thing. But really cool photo!!
We had a really cool yellow one by our front door.
Gag, I’d never be able to drink a protein shake again if I had found a moth in it.
My kids love moths. Me, not so much.
Hello Mr. Moth!
I would have screamed and dropped my cup LOL. All insects give me the heebie jeebies!
Yuck about the drink, I love close up shots like this you never get to really see them they move to fast LOL.
I know they’re harmless and small, but I still don’t want one near me.
We’ve been having these little ones bothering us in the house a lot! I’ve still to figure out where they’re coming from, but I’m getting mad!
Oooh I do not like moths. at.all. When I went to get the mail today there was a little bunny on my front lawn – I went inside to grab my camera but he was gone by the time I got back 🙁
Great close up
At first I did not like them as much as crosslites, but now I practically like them better.
Or perhaps a tie. I like that they are easier to have on, lighter, and have the
identical incredible traction because the crosslites.
I have the women’s version.
Awesome. The scenery alone is amazing. No hills like those in Minnesota, regrettably.
Plus, the kid commencing the quite initial race in wellies, Batman wellies if I am
not mistaken (yes, I have very little kids) is sweet.
My four mile race this weekend really should be appropriately
done in rubber boots.
La causa en hombres de menor edad suele ser, principalmente, algún problema emocional. Este problema se hace más común a medida que envejece, pero no ocurre siempre así y tampoco es parte natural del envejecimiento. Pero generalmente, es recomendable hacer unos análisis de sangre para determinar los niveles de hormonas, el colesterol, la glucosa para detectar la presencia de diabetes y comprobar el funcionamiento del hígado y riñones.
La impotencia es un problema que afecta a muchos hombres, especialmente entre la franja de edad comprendida entre los 40 y 70 años.