Conference admission provided as a FitBloggin’ live blogger. Gift bag provided as a “Thanks” for demonstrating equipment during a session! No coverage was required or asked for. This post contains affiliate links.
During FitBloggin’, I had a chance to try out a Total Gym XLS for the first time, both in the Expo Hall and during their demo session How Total Gym Can Change Your Life.

I’ve never tried a “Home gym” unit before and I had a lot of fun going through all the different exercises. The Total Gym XLS can be used for pretty much anything, and I loved how I could use it without having to put strain on my knees.

Personally, I’ve always preferred leaving my house to go to a gym. I always figured that home gym equipment would go unused – Hello, ab roller I bought in the ’90s and still haven’t used! – and working from home, I picture trying to do a workout and getting interrupted by the doorbell, phone ringing, 32 unread email notifications dinging my phone…you get the picture! However, in recent months we’ve had to put a hold on our gym membership due to budget and time concerns. I’ve been so swamped that I find myself wishing I had something I could do for 10 minutes in my PJs before taking a shower. It’s become apparent that I need some kind of home routine that I can take up until things calm down and I can pick up my gym membership again; and I must say, I think the advantage to something like this is that you can use it for a whole variety of exercises rather than just one thing (Like my ab roller!). It also folds up to the point where you could slide it under a bed, which was pretty impressive. I got a great workout during the demo and my arms were sore in a good way for days afterwards!

Everyone at the panel who was willing to get up and demo the machines in front of the other attendees was given a fun little gift bag with a shirt and water bottles. Now I have a new tee to work out in!
I think I almost bought one of those ab roller during the 90’s. (ha!) This looks like a great piece of equipment.
Wow, that looks like a great workout…
Looks like you had a blast! I have been wanting to go to FitBloggin’ for a few years now. Hoping next year is my year that I make it 🙂
And I do wish I had room in my house for a total gym. those things look like they will get me ripped 🙂
I wish I could get one of those. It looks awesome. Glad you got to try it!
Annie – I so wish you could have made it, I’d love to meet you at the next one!
That looks awesome! I know my husband would love it, I like that it fits under the bed.
I would have a blast on a Total Gym! How cool you were able to test one out.
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