Total Gym XLS: Week 10 Recap

Total Gym XLS Workout Week 10

We received a complimentary Total Gym XLS for the purposes of this series; this post also contains affiliate links. This article is an account of our personal experience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical condition. Always consult with physician before embarking on any fitness program.

Today is our 70th day with the Total Gym XLS! Here’s how we’re doing:

Measurements Week 10

I’m thankful that both our measurements are still on track this week. I was a little concerned for my own progress, because I have not been feeling well at all. I’ve got some kind of head/sinus cold trying to take hold and I’ve had a hard time getting any sleep; last week, I kept falling asleep at midnight and waking up automatically for the day at 4 AM. Every day. Yuck! I’ve pretty much been just dragging myself around to get what I need to done, so I only worked out twice last week. The Mayo Clinic has some sound advice about exercising while sick, with one of the messages being “Let your body be your guide”. So this week, I did just that. And happily, it hadn’t set my progress back any, so hopefully I’ll be feeling a lot better in a day or two. The lack of sleep is the worst part, so I’ll feel a lot more eager to workout when I’m not surviving on a couple of hours of sleep!

I’m curious: Do you work out when you’re under the weather?

15 thoughts on “Total Gym XLS: Week 10 Recap

  1. How awesome! I’m inspired by you. I’ve lost a couple of pounds this week from adjusting to a healthier lifestyle and I may be ready to up my seriousness soon with something like this!

  2. I usually do not work out when I am sick, but I think like you mentioned, I probably SHOULD just at least get up and go thru the motions b/c afterwards I am SO off my game for days!! Perhaps even just taking a slow walk at the same time I usually do my workout would keep me in the “habit” ??

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