Complimentary product provided for review. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Beeb-Log is not affiliated with Pharmavite.
A few months ago, I mentioned trying VitaMelts by Nature Made during FitBloggin’. Well, I’ve gotten a chance to sample these a little more in-depth, thanks to the package of VitaMelts Relax that arrived at my door. I could always benefit from more relaxation, so I was game to give this a go. 😉
VitaMelts are meant to be a line of chewable vitamins with a pleasant flavor. VitaMelts Relax come in a “Green Tea Mint” flavor, but I must admit, I was not a fan of the taste. This definitely heavier on the herbal taste than the other VitaMelts flavors that I’ve tried. I got used to the taste, but I’m still not crazy about it.
I’ve tried this on multiple occasions when I was really stressed out. Did it help? I don’t know. On a few of these occasions, I did feel a little less stressed an hour or two after chewing these, but was that from the tablets or the fact that I made an effort to do things to soothe my nerves, like listen to favorite music? I did do a little research into L-Theanine, which VitaMelts Relax is made of, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that there has been some research into L-Theanine’s effect on stress reduction. Interesting! I can use all the help I can get in this department, so I’ll certainly finish the bottle. 😉
For more on these products, visit NatureMade.com.
I definitely could use some help with getting rid of built up stress I will be looking for these next time i’m out and about. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, I have to try these. These will definitely help me relax a bit, which I truly need :). I am all for chewable Vitamins. Thanks for sharing.
Going to have to look for these. Thanks for sharing!
These look good. I hate swallowing gigantic vitamins. I much rather just take a vitamin that melts in my mouth. The green tea flavor sounds good to me, I love the taste of tea.
Bríndele a su compañero la oportunidad de hacer preguntas para ayudarlo a comprender, incluso puede darles algunos consejos sobre cómo ayudarlo cuando tenga dificultades. La culpa a menudo se combina con una baja autoestima y no solo en hombres con disfunción eréctil. Pero también puede significar un problema más físico, por ejemplo que los vasos sanguíneos estén obstruidos, que se padezca una lesión nerviosa por culpa de la diabetes. Una erección nocturna es la que se produce durante el sueño.
Como los factores pueden ser muchos y muy variados, lo mismo sucede con sus tratamientos: no se solucionará igual la disfunción provocada por una lesión en la vejiga que la generada por la diabetes.